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Guides & Resources (old)
Here are the racing clubs that are on a lengthy hiatus, and not on the normal tournament season pause. The Club Captain(s) have said that it's possible that they'll return one day.
A short solo sortie through the scariest of the soonest-seizable surface supplies. The flagset is fixed other than the characters.
!joinevent "Solo Scramble"
O1:quest_baroninn/2:quest_waterfall/3:quest_ordeals/req:2/win:game Kmain/force:hook Pnone Crelaxed/nofree/noearned/start:[character]/only:[character]/nodupes/party:1/permajoin/hero Tpro Spro/sell:quarter/no:apples,sirens Bstandard/alt:gauntlet/whichburn Etoggle Glife/sylph/backrow -kit:basic -kit2:notdeme -noadamants -spoon
The purpose of this weekly event is purely chaos and to give people the option away from the structured Community Races to play the randomiser with no prior knowledge of what they will be doing, to promote ‘on the fly’ decision making and routing. Please do read the rules document before joining to get an idea of the flow of the race, and always remember the first rule of the Slapdash: no talking about the flags until you've finished the race, and keep that discussion to the spoiler channel. Streaming is encouraged for this club, but not required.
!joinevent SS3
Get spoiled! You'll have 15 minutes with the spoiler log to plan your route as much as you can before the race timer starts. Flagsets will change every few weeks.
!joinevent "Spoil Sports S1"
The seed will be rolled at 8:50pm Eastern. Racers should not pull up/review the spoiler log until 9:00pm Eastern, during this time racers should !ready
up, just like they would do for a normal seed. At 9:15 pm Eastern, the race will begin with the normal racebot countdown.
Racers can always have the spoiler log up on a different screen or printed out to look at mid-race.
A take on the Ladder Giant%, but with some MIABs
!joinevent "Babil Hikers"
Omode:classicgiant/req:all/win:game Kmain/summon/trap Pnone Crelaxed/no:tellah/j:abilities Twild/no:j Scabins/free Bstandard/alt:gauntlet/whichburn Nkey Etoggle/keep:doors/no:jdrops Gwarp/life/sylph -kit:basic -kit2:better -kit3:loaded -noadamants -spoon -supersmith
The Mystery Jumping Club features the Push B To Jump flag, introduced as the April Fool's Day 2020 flag. With the ability to jump right over many obstacles, the Mystery Jumping Club races are usually pretty fast. This iteration of the club (previously Mysidian Jumping Club) has all async races, and uses the pb2j
preset on tricker for seed/flag generation
.yaml file for Tricker.!joinevent MysteryJumpingClub
Film Friends seeds will be each be themed after a movie from the 1980s and 90s, with Free Enterprise characters filling the key roles, and objectives laying out the story of the seed. A brief narrative shall be provided each week including the plot order of the objectives (the Free Enterprise seed generator will reorder the objectives based on its own criteria). The film being portrayed by the seed will not be identified, and the runners are asked to avoid discussing the film/cast/plot details in the #film-friends channel or in the specific race channel to avoid spoiling the answers for others who have not yet run the seed. Runners are encouraged to discuss details of the film (including its title, the parts being portrayed by Free Enterprise characters, the plot points represented by various objectives/flags, etc.) in the post race thread after playing the seed.
I'll show you the power… of anger!
Edge vs the Blue Planet is an async event designed to take Edge and two of his companions on a power romp through all of the main key item checks, intended to test your routing and party composition skills. While you may be able to blow up most of the overworld by Edge alone, will you still be able to rely on him when the Sealed Cave is thrown into the mix?
Mystery seeds can be interesting puzzles to solve - what flagset are we dealing with today? - and can offer a lot of variety in gameplay, but much of the time can result in extremely long slogs (do not lit3 the Tricker). This club is intended to provide a much cozier mystery seed setup with seeds intended to take around an hour to complete (no Zeromus fight required!). It’s an excellent way to dip your toes into the mystery seed pool.
!joinevent "Mini Mysteries"
Do you like going fast? Do you like killing things? Do you enjoy racking up 3000, 4000, 5000 damage hit after hit? Then you, my friend, could be a Bacchus Drinker. Focused on mastering zerker strats, these seeds are designed to be fast and casual+. Each week features a different character and a nemesis that is resistant to pure zerker strats. No underage drinking allowed, so you will never get a Palom, Porom, or Rydia. Stay thirsty my friends.
!joinevent "Bacchus Drinkers"
Routing Regatta is a club where we work on routing and speedrunning one seed per week. You will have access to a seed and the spoiler log for a whole week to plan your route through a seed. Do you fade Antlion? Do you need to go to Eblan just for that Stardust? You get to decide!
Once the async for the week is posted, you may run the seed as many times during the week, refer to the spoiler log, make your route, etc. At any point you can designate your “runs” as starting, where you can take 2 hours to run your route and put up the best time possible. As long as you start a run within that 2 hours, you can complete it and count that time. The idea behind this is to give you time to complete at least 2 runs if you would like. After you are done, submit your best time to the async.
!joinevent "Routing Regatta"
A tournament style club to help determine which boss is the best at hiding from the runners, using the Wacky flag Enemy Unknown to help them hide better. The goal is to figure out what boss you're currently fighting without help from their Overworld and Battle Sprite. Unlike other clubs, points are awarded to bosses based on average order found among runners. No need to worry about finishing seeds fast, even if the seed itself could be potentially jetty. (Req.4/Owin)
The Club will run for 12 weeks. 7 weeks for Group Stage (High Power), 4 weeks for Semi/Finals (Puzzle), and 1 “Bonus week”
Bosses for the week are rolled Monday morning. Race room opens at 6 PM, and closes on Sunday 6 PM. More information will be found in the club channel
!joinevent "Hide and Seek World Championship"
The Enterprise is free and so is everything else! This club features Holiday and seasonal-themed Supermarket Sweep flags with 2-3 objectives to win - no Z fight required. Grab the keys to the airship, King Dad's credit card, and Shop Till You Drop!
!joinevent "Shop Till You Drop"
The Pilot Spoiler Club takes co-op modes and spoiler modes and puts them together. On a team of two, one player takes on the roll of playing the game as the runner. The other player takes on the roll of reading the spoiler log as the pilot. Instead of having a window of opportunity before the seed begins to examine the spoiler log, the pilot is only able to look at the spoiler log when the runner begins playing the game. This results in a test of communication, skill, and teamwork to complete the objectives and defeat Zeromus.
O1:quest_giant/2:quest_monsterking/3:quest_masamunealtar/random:4,tough_quest/req:6/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon/nofree Pkey Cstandard/nofree/start:tellah,edward,yang/restrict:cecil,palom,cid,edge,fusoya/j:abilities/nodupes Tpro/maxtier:6 Sstandard/sell:quarter Bstandard/alt:gauntlet Etoggle Gsylph -kit:cata -noadamants -nocursed -spoon -smith:super -vanilla:giant -spoil:all
!joinevent "Pilot Spoiler S1"
This club's medium-difficulty, high-completion flagset ditches all the obvious options we take for granted, ideally resulting in more low-level fights, awkward party setups, and creative grind solutions. However, Standard shops should carry you through the worst of it, and the kit:summon + smith:super flags hopefully provide some uncommon (but potent) power spikes for you to leverage.
!joinevent "The Anti-Grindset Mentality"
Orandom:8,tough_quest/req:7/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon Pkey Crelaxed/nofree/start:any/no:fusoya/j:abilities/nekkie Tstandard Sstandard/no:sirens Bstandard/alt:gauntlet Etoggle/no:sirens Glife/sylph/backrow/64 -kit:freedom -kit2:summon -noadamants -smith:super -vanilla:agility,giant
Seeds rolled Tricker to remove Complete the Giant from the random tough quest pool.
The following are all the racing clubs that have had their time, but are no longer serving new races
Inspired by “Legacy” board games, Enterprise Legacy features an evolving flagset. Changes persist week to week, and consequences of racer’s choices are felt down the line. Not familiar with “Legacy” games? These are variants of popular board games that add an overarching narrative that spans across multiple play sessions, forming a “Season”. Basically: The game remembers what you’ve done.
Ran for two seasons.
The Underground racing club started after Highway 2 the Zemus Zone, as a way to continue feature more difficult flags outside of tournament season. The start time caters to players on the West Coast, or in general have later hours. Season 2 features a slightly different way of having a difficult flagset, and is the only Season 2 flagset featuring vanilla agility.
Omode:classicforge/1:quest_giant/random:2/req:all/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon/unsafe Pkey Cstandard/distinct:7/j:abilities/nodupes Tpro Spro Bstandard Nchars/key Etoggle Glife/sylph -kit:basic -noadamants
O1:quest_forge/2:quest_tradepink/3:quest_mistcave/4:quest_waterfall/5:quest_antlionnest/6:quest_fabul/random:2,quest/req:7/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon Pkey Cstandard/maybe/j:abilities/bye Tstandard/sparse:80 Spro/quarter Bstandard/alt:gauntlet Nchars/key Etoggle/no:sirens Glife/sylph -kit:basic -spoon -vanilla:agility
The Lunar Racing Club is another one of our racing clubs that features more challenging flagsets, and has a start time that caters towards runners that are on the East Coast of North America, or in general keep slightly earlier hours. Season 2 features a flagset that trends toward Cata-lite, with SCabins turned on. May the treasures be in your favor. (This club is currently closed)
O1:quest_ribbonaltar/2:quest_masamunealtar/random:2/req:all/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon/unsafe Pkey Cstandard/distinct:7/j:abilities/nodupes Tpro Spro Bstandard/alt:gauntlet Nchars/key Etoggle Glife/sylph -noadamants
O1:quest_ribbonaltar/2:quest_masamunealtar/random:2/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon/unsafe Pkey Cstandard/distinct:7/j:abilities/nodupes Tpro/junk Scabins/free Bstandard/alt:gauntlet Nchars/key Etoggle Glife/sylph -kit:loaded -noadamants
The Mysidian Jumping Club features the Push B To Jump flag, introduced as the April Fool's Day 2020 flag. With the ability to jump right over many obstacles, the Mysidian Jumping Club races are usually pretty fast. Currently, races are being held via asyncs, and are generally using a mystery set up
Omode:classicforge,classicgiant/req:all/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon/unsafe Pkey Cstandard/j:abilities Tpro Sstandard Bstandard/unsafe/alt:gauntlet Nchars Etoggle Glife/sylph -kit:basic -spoon -pushbtojump
O1:quest_magma/2:quest_tradepink/random:2,quest,char/req:all/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon/unsafe Pkey Cstandard/j:abilities/nodupes Twildish Sstandard/quarter Bstandard/unsafe/alt:gauntlet Nchars Etoggle Glife/sylph -kit:basic -spoon -pushbtojump
Omode:classicgiant/1:quest_tradepink/2:quest_sealedcave/random:2,quest,char/req:4/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon/unsafe Pkey Cstandard/j:abilities/nekkie/bye Tpro Sstandard/sell:quarter/unsafe Bstandard/unsafe/alt:gauntlet Nchars Etoggle Gnone -kit:random -kit2:basic -spoon -pushbtojump