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With Free Enterprise's source code being published to GitHub, various community members have added their own flags some host their own variants of the randomizer. This page contains an incomplete listing of new/altered flags, as well as a list of hosted forks where you can roll seeds with them.

If you're looking for a quick recommendation for what fork to use, currently it's suggested to use Galeswift's fork ( site | repo). Galeswift has incorporated most of the flags the community has made. Jayp12323's beta site also is generally kept in sync with Galeswift's site. All the listed flags are available on Galeswift's fork unless noted otherwise.

If you'd like to see all of the public forks, this link shows them sorted by most recent update. Check out the code-central channel or the fork-feedback-and-ideas forum channel in the discord for more information, see who's suggested things, and who has implemented them.

Objective Flags

gated - A gated objective means that you will only get the reward for that objective upon completion of all required other objectives. So if you set “Complete the Tower of Zot” as a gated objective, you will be granted the earth crystal automatically upon completion of the other objectives.

hardreq - Hard required objectives are a # of objectives that must be completed in order to consider all objectives completed. So if you require 4 out of 5 objectives, and 1 hard required, the hard objective must be included as part of the 4.

Additional Modes

bosscollector - Find and defeat the specified number of bosses to complete this objective.

goldhunter - Collect the specified amount of GP and bring them to Tory (he's below Kory) in Agart to complete this objective.

ki:x - Obtain x key item(s) to complete this objective.

dkmatter:x - The number of DkMatters required to bring to Kory can now be any multiple of 5 from 5 to 45, instead of just 30.

Additional Random Objective Pools

There are up to three pools of random objectives, each of which can independently set a number of random objectives (from one to eight objectives in that pool), and what types of objectives are allowed in that pool.

Key Item Flags

Kforge - The reward for turning in the Legend Sword and Adamant to Kokkol is a key item. The vanilla Excalibur is added to the key items rewards pool. If the hero challenge is enabled, this overrides the normal Chero supersmith reward.

Kpink - The reward for trading away the Pink Tail is a key item. The vanilla Adamant Armor is added to the key item rewards pool unless adamant armors are disabled via -noadamants.

Kunsafer - As Kunsafe, but you will be required to obtain moon access prior to obtaining underground access.

Klatedark - The Darkness Crystal will be gated by underground access.

Kstart - Allows you to start with the specified key item

Kunweighted - Normally, key-item-enabled locations outside of the Kmain checks are weighted against in terms of placement. This flag removes that weighting.

Knofree Additions

Knofree:dwarf - Edward in Toroia will not give you a key item. Instead, a key item may be earned from talking to Cid in the Dwarf Castle hospital.

Knofree:package - Edward in Toroia will not give you a key item. Instead, a key item may be earned from Rydia's mom in Mist, who will appear after you have used the Package to burn Mist Village.

Kmiab Additions

Standard - Works as the flag does in 4.6 of the main randomizer. This excludes monster-in-a-box chests in the Lunar Subterrane, unless also using Kmoon or Kunsafe.

All - All monster-in-a-box chests are included, regardless of any Kmoon or Kunsafe settings.

Above - Includes the monster-in-a-box chests in Zot, Castle Eblan, Cave Eblan, Upper Bab-il, the Giant of Bab-il, and the Lunar Path.

Below - Includes the monster-in-a-box chests in Lower Bab-il, Sylph Cave, and the Feymarch.

LST - Includes the monster-in-a-box chests in the Lunar Subterrane. This setting ignores the Kmoon or Kunsafe safety check.

Character Flags

nopartner - Your starting partner will not join your party.

paladin - Cecil will start as a paladin, but Mt. Ordeals will still grant spells to Tellah, and hold a key item check.

thrift - Characters start with a full set of gear: weapon(s), possibly a shield, and head/body/arms, all from at most the tier specified. (Duplicate characters will have the same starting gear. Cursed Rings are excluded.) Must select a tier between two and five to limit the gear to at most that tier.

superhero - This flag acts the same as Chero, except your starting character will obtain incredible stat boosts, until finding the earth crystal (their one weakness). Once returning the crystal to Zot, you gain your powers back.

Ctreasure Options

free - Free characters will instead be found in treasure chests in the overworld. Restricted characters will be found in MIABs.

earned - Earned characters will instead be found in treasure chests in the overworld. Restricted characters will be found in MIABs.

relaxed - Restricted characters will be found in all chests. No characters will be placed in MIAB chests.

unsafe - Free characters will normally all be placed in treasures in the overworld only. With this flag however, characters will be distributed throughout the underworld,overworld and moon. This means you may end up with no characters in chests in the overworld.

Character Join Options

hi - New characters are required to join the party, even if your party is full.

fifo - When dismissing a character, you must dismiss the character that has been in your party the longest.

Treasure Flags

playable - Equipment in chests (including MIABs) will be usable by at least one character that you can acquire in the seed.

semipro - Uses location-based weighting, with item quality between that provided by pro and wildish.

vanillaish - Uses location-based weighting, with item quality approximately that of the vanilla game.

mintier:x - Sets the minimum tier for treasures. Works slightly differently than how it is implemented in the main randomizer.

Sparse Options

underground - The Tsparse flags will only affect chests in the underground.

moon - The Tsparse flags will only affect chests on the moon.

overworld - The Tsparse flags will only affect chests in the overworld.

Unrestrict Options

Selecting these flags removes any maxtier restrictions from the given area. Your options include treasury, moon, underworld, and overworld.

Shops Flags

wildish - A basic randomization, allowing slightly stronger items than the standard randomization to place in shops.

vanillaish - Shops will contain items of similar quality and quantity as their vanilla counterparts.

same - Shops only sell a single item, and all shops in the game are the same. The item chosen uses the same rules as Swild.

mixed - Shop item prices are randomized.

Price Options

price:x Shop prices are adjusted to x% of their normal value. Selections for x are 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, and 400.

pricey:items - price:x changes only affect consumable items

pricey:weapons - price:x changes only affect weapons

pricey:armor - price:x changes only affect armor

Guaranteed Or Removed Items Options

Some of these already exist in current Sno: flags, like Sno:apples, but are listed here because the Salways variant is new/exclusive to forks.

apples - Apples (AuApple, AgApple) or SomaDrops are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

sirens - Sirens are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

vampires - Vampires are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

hrglass - HrGlass2 are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

bacchus - Bacchus are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

starveil - Starveils are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

cure3 - Cure3s are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

illusion - Illusions are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

coffin - Coffins are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

damage_items - Damage Items (BigBomb, ThorRage, etc) are either guaranteed in (always) or removed from (no) shops.

Boss Updates


Brestrict allows the ability to force boss hunt objectives (and D.Mist, if Knofree is enabled) to not be in listed locations. Current options are: Summon spots, Moon spots, Tower of Zot, Hook route, Giant of Babil, Sealed Cave, Package.

Golbez Updates

Whybez will skip the Golbez fight directly to him casting his three available spells. This is a Golbez version of Wyvern's whyburn flag.

Bwhichbez will replace the spells used by both Golbez and Shadow in the fight. Each of Shadow's and Golbez's spells are replaced individually. If Bunsafe is enabled, Golbez has access to more powerful spells. Shadow's spell pool can include spells that lock the game if they are reflected back, so an early Wall is not recommended.

Wyvern Updates

Bitburns replaces the opening MegaNuke attack with one of Meganuke, Big Bang, Zanteksuken, Full party charm, and Meteo. Good Luck!

In many forks, a patch has been made to Wyvern's script, letting the Nuke scale with the location's magic power.


Whoadin replaces the first two Zanteksuken (Odin) attacks with a random attack. The replacement attack will be single-target (and generally weaker than e.g. Nuke, unless Bunsafe is enabled). Odin will not raise the sword before the random attack.


Bstats:jp changes the stats and scripts of bosses to use the versions from the Japanese release of FFIV. Unless Knofree is on, the Karate spot (Baron Inn 2), will only have 5,000 HP, rather than the normal JP value of 62,000 HP.

Bstats:ez chanes the stats and scripts of bosses to use the versions from FF4j Easy Type.

Both of these flags are only available at the.harumph's site Users of either flag can make use of Aexoden's monster stats page to find details.

Encounter Flags

nogp: No GP for random encounters.

nodmachin: The D.Machin in the Searcher encounter is replaced by a Horseman.

Doors/Entrance Randomization

General Features:

  • Panic Button - Pressing Select + R will transport you and all your unlocked vehicles (Enterprise, Big Whale, Hovercraft) to outside Mysidia on the overworld. You'll be flying in the Enterprise.
  • Vehicles (including the hovercraft), and Chocobos have all movement restrictions lifted. So all can go over mountains, water, etc. Black Chocobos can land on both forest and grass tiles, and do not automatically return to the northern Toroia Chocobo forest when getting on a second time.
  • Either Entrances (exteriors) or Doors (exteriors and most interiors) are shuffled. Maybe the overworld Baron Town will take you to Cave Manges, or possibly the Hummingway shop.

When using door shuffle, dungeons are typically kept together, so if you find the Lunar Palace interior, you've found all of the LST; however, Yang and the sylphs are disconnected from Sylph cave, the different sections of Land of Summoned monsters are not connected at all, Sheila's tower is no longer tied to Fabul, and Upper Babil (hook route) is not connected to Eblan Cave.

calmness - Disables the use of the Panic button (Select + R).

forcesealed - Fighting the Sealed Cave boss is required before seeing the KI

Randomization Options

normal - doors or entrances are shuffled within the same world/plane they normally are on. So overworld things are shufffled amongst each other, underground ones are still underground, and moon entrances are on the moon.

gated - Underworld and Moon entrances or doors are shuffled.

blueplanet - Overworld and Underworld entrances or doors are shuffled.

why - Overworld and Moon entrances or doors are shuffled.

all - All entrances or doors are shuffled. The LST can be at Silvera, Dwarf Castle (the front _or_ the back entrance) could be at the Baron Castle overworld, &etc.

Tracker links

Other Flags

monsterevade - Monsters will be able to evade both physical and magical attacks from your party based on their actual stats. (This change constitutes a significant damage reduction for many fights!)

monsterflee - Monsters will be able to flee from battles that you can run from, based on their evasion stat. Requires -monsterevade to be active.

smith:playable - The item that Kokkol forges will be usable by a character you can acquire in the seed.

FuSoYa Challenge Options

sequential_r - Instead of learning spells randomly, FuSoYa will learn spells in order based on the levels at which Rydia and Rosa learn their spells. He will not learn spells learned outside of level-ups (Fire1, Fire2/Ice2/Lit2, Exit).

sequential_p - Instead of learning spells randomly, FuSoYa will learn spells in order based on the levels at which Palom and Porom learn their spells.

maybe - Normally, FuSoYa will eventually learn all possible spells. This flag removes that guarantee; each possible spell will be included independently with an 85% chance.

location - FuSoYa will learn three spells after every boss, but the spells learned depend on the boss location. Stronger/gated boss spots are weighted to provide more powerful spells.

nerfed - FuSoYa will start with a fixed pool of 14 black magic and 14 white magic spells (17 with j-spells), mostly tier 2 and below, but will not learn any spells over the course of the game. He will still gain HP as usual.

Starter Kits

New kits include: ATB kit, Adamant kit, Cursed kit, Hero kit, Exit kit.

Experience Options

maxlevelbonus - Normally, level does not play into EXP calculations. Under this flag, if 5 plus twice the largest level in your party is less than the smallest monster level in the encounter, then the encounter awards 20% bonus EXP (and another 20% for each additional deficit of 5).

Objective Bonus

objectivebonus25 - Each completed objective gives 25% exta EXP

objectivebonus10 - Each completed objective gives 10% exta EXP

objectivebonus_num - The EXP bonus is 100% divided by the number of available objectives in the seed; e.g. with 7 objectives, each objective gives you about 14% extra EXP (subject to some truncation).

Crystal Bonus

crystalbonus - Double EXP once you obtain the Crystal

KI Check Bonus

Normally, completing key item checks does not increase the amount of EXP received from battles. Under this flag, each completed key item check beyond the starting item earns you more EXP from each battle.

kicheckbonus10 - Each completed KI check gives 10% extra EXP.

kicheckbonus5 - Each completed KI check gives 5% extra EXP.

kicheckbonus2 - Each completed KI check gives 2% extra EXP.

kicheckbonus_num - The EXP bonus is 100% divided by the number of potential key item checks in the seed; e.g. with the 21 non-starting main and summon checks on, each objective gives you about 4.7% extra EXP (subject to some truncation).

Zonk Bonus

Normally, the rewards from key item checks do not impact the amount of EXP received from battles. Under this flag, every time you get a non-key-item reward from a potential key item check (a “zonk”) you earn more EXP from future battles.

zonkbonus10 - Each non-KI reward gives 10% extra EXP.

zonkbonus5 - Each non-KI reward gives 5% extra EXP.

zonkbonus2 - Each non-KI reward gives 2% extra EXP.

MIAB Bonus

Normally, MIAB encounters have the same EXP calculation as other encounters. Under this flag, MIAB encounters award double or 1.5 times the usual EXP.

miabbonus50 - Moon encounters give 50% extra EXP

miabbonus100 - Moon encounters give double EXP

Moon Bonus

Normally, location of encounter does not increase EXP. Under this flag, encounters on the moon award double or triple the usual EXP.

moonbonus200 - Moon encounters give triple EXP

moonbonus100 - Moon encounters give double EXP

Geometric XP reduction

Normally in FF4, each instance of a monster type killed in battle gives the same amount of EXP. Under this flag, each monster of the same type defeated in the same battle will yield a scaled amount of the EXP of the previous monster of that type, giving diminishing returns for repeated monster kills. Note that the reduction is per monster type and not “per slot” in battle.

The selected value can go from 90 (each kill scales down in EXP to 90%) to 0 (repeated monster kills do not award EXP)

Zeromus Fight Changes

physical - Enable this flag to replace Zeromus' magic-based damaging attacks with physical attacks (Fight, Dark Wave, Needle/Counter). Zeromus now counters some physical commands instead of magic.

physmag - In half the seeds rolled with this flag, Zeromus will have the physical script from -z:physical, and in the other half Zeromus will have the usual magic script.

chaos - In each attack phase, Zeromus will have a handful of random attacks (one or two possibly stronger, with a shake). Four attacks are chosen as reactions. The attacks are mostly curated.

lavosshell - The three main attack phases are replaced by three random monster scripts that do not automatically progress to another script.

whichbang - Each instance of Big Bang is replaced with a (potentially different) spell chosen from a small list, including Big Bang itself.

phaseshift - Zeromus has three main phases after the first Big Bang: Virus, Nuke, and Meteo. Enable this flag to shuffle the three attack phases among themselves (the HP thresholds and reactions will not change).

nonerfs - Normally in FF4, Zeromus' Big Bang can be nerfed by using magic to trigger a counter-Nuke between the tick that Z sets spell power for Big Bang and the tick when Big Bang goes off. Enable this flag to prevent that happening by implementing chains.

mustnerf - Zeromus will now do 9999 damage with Big Bang unless you nerf it (or avoid it in other ways).

Wacky Updates

Wacky flags can be combined, with the following restrictions.

  • Only one of the following can be used: “afflicted”, “menarepigs”, “mirrormirror”, “skywarriors”, “zombies”
  • If any of the above are set, none of these can be used: “battlescars”, “payablegolbez”, “tellahmaneuver”, “worthfighting”
  • None of these modes can be used together: “3point”, “afflicted”, “battlescars”, “menarepigs”, “mirrormirror”, “skywarriors”, “unstackable”, “zombies”
  • None of these modes can be used together: “afflicted”, “friendlyfire”
  • None of these modes can be used together: “afflicted”, “battlescars”, “worthfighting”, “zombies”
  • None of these modes can be used together: “darts”, “musical”
  • None of these modes can be used together: “3point”, “tellahmaneuver”

New Wacky Flags

dropitlikitshot - changes the item drop rates for monsters that sometimes drop items to always drop items. The first eight monsters defeated in battle will drop one of their four possible items, chosen uniformly (25% chance for each of common, uncommon, rare, mythic). MIAB encounters do not count (FE wipes the reward data beyond the item reward). Lugae will not drop the Tower Key. This wacky is impacted by the drop flags (since it only changes the drop frequency and probability data)

mirrormirror - all battle characters/etc. start with Wall

whatsmygear - Stat bonuses are completely randomized for every non-unarmed piece of gear.


kainmagic - Kain gets two spellsets: White (with a new spell Lance replacing Sight) and Black.

edwardheal - Edward's Heal command will now use the best of Cure3/Cure2/Cure1 available.

Harp Options

These flags are only available at

vanilla - Forces the harp song to be the vanilla song.

none - No harp song is played during the cutscene.

forks.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 00:39 by scythemarshall