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This table lists enemy item drops for Free Enterprise when the Eno:jdrops flag is NOT enabled. See also:

All listed enemies have a ~6% chance (15/256) of dropping an item, with the exception of Horseman (~29%, 75/256).

Note: Edge's Steal ability always selects the first (Common) item.

Common (128/256) Uncommon (80/256) Rare (44/256) Very Rare (4/256) Dropped by
Cure1 Cure1 Cure1 Cure2 Sandpede, Pike, Jelly, Cream, Slime, Piranha, HugeCell, Tofu
Antidote EchoNote Cross Tent Sand Man, Turtle, WaterBug
Eyedrops Life Alarm Soft FloatEye, SandMoth, Red Eye, RockMoth
DietFood Mallet MaidKiss Heal Treant, EvilShel, TrapRose, Cannibal, ElecFish, FangShel, DarkTree
Fire (Arrow) Bomb BigBomb FireBomb Chimera, FlameDog, Mantcore
Ice (Arrow) Notus Boreas Blizzard Ice Liz, IceBeast
Lit (Arrow) ThorRage ZeusRage Lit-Bolt Grudger, Screamer, Machine
Antidote Unihorn Poison (Arrow) Poison (Arrow) CaveNaga, Hydra, Python, Naga, HugeNaga
Ether1 Stardust MoonVeil Artemis (Arrow) GlomWing, MoonCell, Pudding
MuteBell Unihorn HrGlass1 Ether1 Gremlin, Fiend
Silver (Shield) Silver (Wrench) Cure2 Cure3 Armadilo, Tortoise, Carapace, Ironback
Soft Soft Soft Soft Basilisk, SwordRat, Needler, StingRat
MaidKiss MaidKiss MaidKiss MaidKiss CaveToad, Mad Toad, TinyToad
StarVeil Cure3 Elixir Glass (Helmet) EvilMask
Cure1 Cure2 Cure2 Cure2 Larva, Cave Bat, RocLarva, GiantBat, Crawler, Were Bat
Cure1 Cure2 Heal AgApple SandWorm, AquaWorm
Leather (Helmet) Cure2 Cabin AgApple Raven, Roc
Cap (Helmet) Leather (Shirt) Cure2 AgApple Aligator, Crocdile
FireBomb FireBomb FireBomb Cursed (Ring) D.Bone, D.Fossil
Tent Cabin Cabin Cabin SwordMan, Centaur, Warrior, EpeeGirl, BladeMan, Horseman
Charm (Harp) RubyRing (Ring) StarVeil Charm (Arrow) Lamia, Q.Lamia
Flame (Spear) Fire (Sword) Fire (Shield) Fire (Armor) FlameMan
Tent ZeusRage ZeusRage ZeusRage Beamer
Cabin Ogre (Axe) Poison (Axe) RuneAxe (Axe) MacGiant, RedGiant
Stardust MoonVeil MoonVeil MoonVeil Juclyote, Procyote
Notus Ether1 Ether1 Ether1 Red Worm
Cure2 Cure3 Medusa (Arrow) Medusa (Arrow) Stoneman
Silver (Knife) Silver (Shield) Silver (Armor) Silver (Sword) Ironman
Heal Bacchus Samurai (Arrow) SomaDrop Molbol
Bacchus Headband (Helmet) Strength (Ring) Zeus (Gauntlet) Ogre, Mad Ogre
Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Puppet, EvilDoll
Cure (Staff) Rune (Ring) Silence (Staff) Grimoire Marion, Sorcerer, Conjurer
Stardust StarVeil MoonVeil AgApple Ging-Ryu
ThorRage ZeusRage Lit-Bolt AgApple King-Ryu
ZeusRage HrGlass3 Soft AuApple D.Machin, Clapper
Rod (Rod) Silver (Ring) Ether1 Ether2 TinyMage, Witch
Succubus Succubus AgApple Lilith (Rod) Lilith
Ether2 Elixir Ninja (Shuriken) Adamant (Armor) PinkPuff
Artemis (Arrow) MoonVeil Heroine (Shirt) Artemis (Bow) Kary
Earth (Wrench) Zeus (Gauntlet) Zeus (Gauntlet) Zeus (Gauntlet) Staleman
Eyedrops Elixir HrGlass3 Protect (Ring) FatalEye
Blizzard Shuriken Dragon (Whip) Dragoon (Spear) Blue D.
FireBomb Dragoon (Gauntlet) Dragoon (Spear) Crystal (Ring) Red D.
Headband (Helmet) Strength (Ring) Power (Shirt) Avenger (Sword) Behemoth
MaidKiss Ether2 SomaDrop Ribbon (Helmet) ToadLady, Warlock
Lit-Bolt Lit-Bolt Siren AgApple Green D., Yellow D
Vampire Vampire Succubus Succubus VampGirl, VampLady
Cure1 Cure1 Cure1 Cursed (Ring) Spirit, Hooligan, Soul, Ghost
Siren Siren Siren Siren Last Arm, Alert, Searcher
SilkWeb SilkWeb GaiaDrum Siren Arachne, Talantla, Centpede
Unihorn Coffin Coffin CatClaw (Claw) Panther, BlackCat
Medusa (Arrow) Medusa (Arrow) Medusa (Arrow) Medusa (Arrow) BlackLiz, Medusa, Gorgon
Cure1 Tent HrGlass1 HrGlass1 Imp, Tricker
Life Soft Soft Soft Eagle, Cocktric, Roc Baby
Bomb Notus Kamikaze Kamikaze Balloon, Grenade
Cure2 Unihorn HrGlass3 HrGlass3 Mage
DkMatter DkMatter DkMatter DkMatter Zeromus
item_drops.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/22 19:00 by wylem