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Referenced material. Deathlike's Algorithms guide
Aexoden's Physical Damage Summary
Aexoden's Magical Damage Summary

Base Damage Extended

Arrow in primary hand… Bow's Attack Power/2 + Arrow's Attack Power + Str/4
Bow in primary hand… 4/5th of above total.


Both hands: Left Hand Base+Right Hand Base+ (Str/4+Level/4) * 2 One hand: Weapon base.

Damage Modifiers


Crit rates
Crit bonus table
Note about the no crit glitch being cutscene based, not weapon based, so not in FE

Other Modifiers

Can only hit 1 elemental weakness at at time.
Physicals hit weaknesses then resistances, spells hit resistances/absorbs, then weaknesses. IE rubi is weak and absorbs ice, weapons deal extra damage, spells get absorbed.

formulas.1578871246.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/13 00:20 (external edit)