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Flag Strings (Version 0.1.x and 0.2.x)

These flags are taken from version 0.2.12, and use the same general formatting as the original release. Refer to the changelog to see when particular flags were added or modified.

This formatting for flags was used until the major changes in v0.3.0.

Modern (v4.5.0) equivalents of the flags are provided in parentheses. Many of the original flag descriptions are provided in italics.

The generator page is archived here:

V (Variants)

  • 0: (Default)
  • 1: (Omode:classicforge)
    • “Forge the Crystal” - When given the Legend Sword and the Adamant, Kokkol the Smith forges the _Crystal_ instead of the Excalibur. (Conversely, the Excalibur is found in the key item pool instead of the Crystal.)
  • 2: (Omode:giant)
    • “Giant%“ - You win the game when you complete the Giant of Bab-il.

J (Japanese Content)

  • 0: (Default)
  • 1: (Disables Tno:j and Sno:j)
    • Include the items from the original Japanese version of FF4 that were omitted in the US release.
  • 2: (Cj:abilities and Cj:spells)
    • Also include the battle commands and spells from the original Japanese version of FF4 that were omitted.

K (Key Items)

  • 0: (Kvanilla)
  • 1: (Kmain)
    • The locations of key items are shuffled amongst each other. For example, you may find the Magma Key in the Antlion's Nest instead of the Sandruby.
    • The items randomized this way are the _Package, SandRuby, Legend Sword, Baron Key, TwinHarp, Earth Crystal, Magma Key, Tower Key, Airship Hook, Luca Key, Dark Crystal, Pink Tail, Rat Tail, Pan, Spoon, Adamant,_ and the _Crystal used to transform Zeromus_ (yes, you have to find it.)
  • 2: (Ksummon/moon)
    • Key items may also be mixed among the rewards earned by defeating the major summons and the Lunar Subterrane bosses.
  • 3: (Kmiab)
    • Key items may also be mixed among monster-in-a-box treasure chests.
  • 4: (Kunsafe)
    • You may be required to go to the moon to be able to reach the underworld.

P (Pass)

  • 0: (Pshop)
    • The Pass is found in a shop.
  • 1: (Pkey)
    • The Pass is mixed amongst the other key items.
  • 2: (Pchests)
    • Passes are placed in three random treasure chests (not on the moon).

C (Characters)

  • 0: (Cvanilla)
  • 1: (Cstandard)
    • Characters join your party in the same places as the original game, but the character you meet there is randomized. For example, you may encounter Yang in the Watery Pass instead of Tellah.
    • Your starting characters are also randomized.
    • You cannot have duplicate characters; if a duplicate tries to join, nothing happens.
    • Edge and Fusoya (the strongest early-game characters) are slightly harder to find.
    • Each of the 12 characters appears somewhere in the world.
  • 2: (Crelaxed) (Same without Edge and Fu being restricted)
  • 3: (Cdistinct:5)
    • There are only five unique characters available. Every character you meet will be one of those five.

T (Treasures)

  • 0: (Tvanilla)
  • 1: (Tshuffle)
    • Contents of regular chests are shuffled amongst themselves.
    • Overworld chests are biased to remain in the overworld, and vice-versa.
    • Contents of monster-in-a-box chests are shuffled amongst themselves, along with the prizes for the summoned monsters and the weapon bosses in the Lunar Subterrane. For example, you may earn the Masamune by defeating Asura, or you may earn the Bahamut summon from the FlameDog chest in Zot.
  • 2: (Roughly Tpro)
    • Contents of regular chests are randomized in a balanced manner; higher-level chests will generally contain better items.
  • 3: (Roughly Tstandard)
    • Contents of regular chests are randomized and may contain anything, excluding the highest-level items normally received as fight/event rewards.
  • 4: (Twild)
    • Contents of regular chests are randomized and may contain anything (except key items).
  • 5: (Tempty)

S (Shops)

  • 0: (Svanilla)
  • 1: (Sshuffle)
    • Contents of shops are shuffled amongst themselves.
    • Overworld shop items are biased to remain in the overworld, and vice-versa.
  • 2: (Roughly Spro)
    • Shops contain random items, selected in a balanced manner; underworld shops will tend to have better items, and very strong items are unavailable and may only be found as treasure.
  • 3: (Roughly Sstandard)
    • Shops may contain any random items, excluding the most powerful items normally given as fight/event rewards.
  • 4: (Swild)
    • Shops may contain any random items (except key items).
  • 5: (Scabins)
    • All shops sell nothing but Cabins.

B (Bosses)

  • 0: (Bvanilla)
  • 1: (Bstandard)
    • Boss battles occur in the usual locations, but which boss you fight there is randomized.
    • The boss's stats are scaled to match the battle it is replacing – for example, Rubicant in the Watery Pass would have the HP and speed of Octomamm. (Yes, this flag is janky, and a MegaNuke is still a MegaNuke. Save often.)
    • There will be a path to the underworld that does not require defeating Golbez, Wyvern, or the boss in Odin's position. (If running with N2+, D.Knight will also not block this path.)
  • 2: (Bstandard/unsafe)
    • Any boss may appear in any position.

F (Fusoya Challenge)

  • 0: (-vanilla:fu)
  • 1: (Removed in v0.3.0)
    • Fusoya begins with only a random selection of low-level spells, and 900 HP.
    • Completing Mt. Ordeals will restore Fusoya's full spell set and increase his max HP by 1000.
  • 2: (default)
    • Fusoya begins with only a random selection of low-level spells, and 500 HP.
    • Each boss defeated will grant Fusoya three new spells and 100 more HP, to a maximum of 1400 total bonus HP. (Bosses defeated before finding Fusoya still count towards this progress.)

N (No Free Lunch)

  • 0: (default)
  • 1: (Knofree, Cnofree)
  • 2: (Bnofree)

E (Encounters)

  • 0: (Evanilla)
  • 1: (Similar to Ereduce, but with more changes)
    • Reduces the overall random encounter rate.
    • Randomly disables 60% of the TrapDoor fights in the Sealed Cave.
    • Each forced Behemoth fight in Bahamut's lair has a 50% chance of being disabled.
  • 2: (Ereduce)
    • Reduces the overall random encounter rate.
    • Disables all TrapDoor fights in the Sealed Cave.
    • Disables all forced Behemoth fights in Bahamut's lair.
  • 3: (Etoggle)
  • 4: (Enoencounters)

$ (Money)

  • 0: (default)
  • 1: (Disables Tjunk)
    • Chests containing weak items instead contain an equivalent amount of GP.
  • 2: (Removed in v0.3.0)
    • Chests containing weak and moderate items instead contain an equivalent amount of GP.
  • 3: (Sfree)
    • All items in shops are free.

X (Experience Acceleration)

  • 0: (-exp:nosplit, -exp:noboost, -exp:nokeybonus)
  • 1: (-exp:noboost, -exp:nokeybonus)
    • Earned experience points are not divided among your party members; each character receives the full amount (but must be alive at the time to receive them).
  • 2: (default) Adds:
    • After collecting 10 key items, earned EXP is doubled.
    • In a full party, characters at comparatively low levels receive EXP bonuses.

Y (Turbo)

  • 0: (All of these were removed in v0.3.0)
    • Hold Y to dash.
  • 1: Adds:
    • Battle speed and battle message speed default to 1.
  • 2: (default)
    • Dashing is automatic. (Hold Y to walk)
    • Battle speed and battle message speed default to 1.

G (Glitchless)

  • 0: (All G flags enabled)
  • 1: (Disables Gdupe, Gmp, and Gwarp)

W (Why Burn? :()

  • 0: (default)
  • 1: (Bwhyburn)
  • 2; (Bwhichburn)

Z (Zeromus)

  • 0: (-vanilla:z)
    • Randomizes Zeromus's battle sprite. (His behavior and stats are unchanged.)
    • This flag is silly.
flags_v2.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/14 02:34 by wylem