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Info For Beginners
Game Mechanics
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Useful Tools
Guides & Resources (old)
Welcome to Sumomo Championship Racing! This is a club dedicated to racing with the Sumomo flagset, which is as follows:
O1:quest_traderat/2:quest_falcon/3:quest_ribbonaltar/random:3,tough_quest,boss/req:5/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon/nofree Pkey Crelaxed/nofree/distinct:7/start:not_cecil,not_tellah,not_fusoya/j:abilities/nekkie/nodupes/bye/permajoin/hero Twildish Sstandard Bstandard/alt:gauntlet/whichburn Etoggle Gwarp/life/sylph/backrow -kit:freedom -spoon
This is a flagset that centers heavily on three Character flags: Hero, Permajoin and Bye. With a limited character selection the party composition leads to difficult choices. To make up for potential party building issues the treasure settings and shops are fairly friendly.
!joinevent "Sumomo Championship Racing S3"