This section aims to provide highly-detailed descriptions of Free Enterprise's functionality for users in search of comprehensive information.
Both of these pages include information on flags that will restore vanilla behaviors, except for the options for restoring Bosses, Shops and/or Treasures to their vanilla locations, all of which are covered in their respective sections below.
Note: This section has been replaced with links on the sidebar. See: Changes to Game Data for the former “Randomization Data” section, and the Game Data section on the sidebar for the former “Vanilla Data” section.
If you came here looking for Common Grinds.. well, there's the link. (It's currently linked from External Guides and Info For Beginners, but the wiki is still being re-organized)
Old versions of the randomizer used different formatting for flag strings. Descriptions of the older formats, along with their modern equivalents, are available here:
When playing old seeds, keep in mind that many other changes made throughout the years, such as restructured item tiers, will affect gameplay even with roughly equivalent flags.