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Info For Beginners
Game Mechanics
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Useful Tools
Guides & Resources (old)
Your Saturday afternoon one-off season club full of fun and hijinks! Every week features a different Wacky Flag and a different themed Objective, picked randomly by the Wheel of Challenges! All “episodes” of this club will be restreamed to allow for Audience Participation - at the end of each seed, chat will be given a poll to vote on as their own special objective!
!joinevent "Wacky Races S2"
O1:quest_forge/2:quest_traderat/3:boss_golbez/random:1,quest/win:crystal Kmain/summon/moon Pkey Cstandard/maybe/j:abilities Twildish/maxtier:6 Sstandard/no:apples Bstandard/alt:gauntlet/whichburn Nchars/key Etoggle Gwarp/life/sylph -kit:money -kit2:fabul -kit3:better -spoon -supersmith -wacky: Changes every week!