Table of Contents

RAM Map (v4.6.0)


  70:0000-1FFF      : slots 1-4, original segment
  70:2000-2FFF      : live game, extended segment
  70:3000-6FFF      : slots 1-4, extended segment
  70:7000-7FFF      : global segment

Expanded SRAM data area map (max 0x18 actors):
  0000 - 05FF       : shadow party
  0600 - 0CBF       : spell sets
  0CC0 - 0DF7       : initial state spell sets
  0DF8 - 0DFF       : (unallocated)
  0E00 - 0FFF       : (unallocated)

70:2000 - 70:2FFF   : expanded save data area for currently active game
70:3000 - 70:6FFF   : expanded save slots 1-4 (0x1000 bytes each)
70:7000 - 70:7FFF   : global save data
    -> 70:7000-707F   : default character names
    -> 70:7080-70A7   : tracker - key item locations (requires 0x12 * 2 bytes)
    -> 70:70F0        : name distinguisher setting
    -> 70:70F1        : MSU-1 support indicator
    -> 70:70F2        : game completed indicator

    -> 70:70FD        : should show pregame menu indicator (disappears on new game)
    -> 70:70FE-70FF   : first startup indicator (checks against ROM checksum)
    -> 70:7100-7101   : "has global custom data" indicator
    -> 70:7102-711F   : copy of config data
    -> 70:7200-729F   : battle palette cache
    -> 70:72A0-72A4   : battle sprite bank cache

    -> 70:72E0-72FF   : objective progress staging area


7E:1140 - 7E:117F   : shadow party working area
7E:1180 - 7E:123F   : character names
7E:1240 - 7E:125F   : discovered axtor -> actor table

7E:1500 - 7E:1553   : API area (was character names)
    -> 7E:1500-1502   : key item "found" bits
    -> 7E:1503-1505   : key item "used" bits
    -> 7E:1510-151F   : reward slot checked bits
    -> 7E:1520-153F   : objective progress

7E:1560 - 7E:158F   : reclaimed space
  1560 - 158F         : persistent FE data (eg. stats)
    -> 7E:1560-1577   : (unallocated)

    -> 7E:1578        : key item counter
    -> 7E:1579        : character counter
    -> 7E:157A-157B   : treasure counter
    -> 7E:157C        : boss counter
    -> 7E:157D-1580   : endgame time

    -> 7E:1581-1582   : (unallocated)
    -> 7E:1583-1584   : scrolling text delegate function
    -> 7E:1585        : scrolling text delegate command        
    -> 7E:1586        : music memo
    -> 7E:1587        : RNG counter for dangerous encounters
    -> 7E:1588        : forced back attack / surprise attack
    -> 7E:1589        : placement number from event interaction
    -> 7E:158A        : no64 detection
    -> 7E:158B        : Fusoya Credits
    -> 7E:158C-158E   : "treasure discarded" temp flags
    -> 7E:158F        : (temporary) map transition var
  1590 - 15FF       : spell set working area
  1600 - 167F       : FE program data
    -> 7E:1600-1604   : twin-capable indicators
    -> 7E:1605-1609   : twin partners
    -> 7E:160A-160E   : cover-capable indicators
    -> 7E:160F-1613   : cover assignments
    -> 7E:1614        : twin count
    -> 7E:1615-1616   : event GoSub return pointer
    -> 7E:1617        : fashion code for fights against allies
    -> 7E:1618        : fashion code short-term memo
    -> 7E:1619        : GiveAxtor persistent code
    -> 7E:161A-161B   : fashion loop counter
    -> 7E:161C-161F   : extended item description work space
    -> 7E:1620        : item descriptions enabled flag
    -> 7E:1621        : active reward slot
    -> 7E:1622-1623   : active reward value
    -> 7E:1624        : no auto-hide flags
    -> 7E:1625        : kory hint counter
    -> 7E:1626        : pending post-battle reward delivery
    -> 7E:1627        : permajoin bypass
    -> 7E:1628        : alt gauntlet indicator
    -> 7E:1629        : jump byte
    -> 7E:162A        : dialog box special value
    -> 7E:1660-166C   : wacky challenge allocated space
    -> 7E:166D-166F   : long address storage
    -> 7E:1670-167F   : util.f4c/dead-end registers
  1680 - 1697       : scratch space
    -> 7E:1680-168F   : local variables
    -> 7E:1690-1697   : longer-term temporary variables

7E:16B3             : music custom setting
7E:16B4             : flashing custom setting
7E:16B5             : encounter custom setting