The compiled list of all 32 wacky flag names. See [[wacky_spoiled]] for a description of each wacky flag. * Afflicted * Battle Scars * The Bodyguard * Enemy Unknown * Final Fantasy 4: The Musical * Fist Fight * Forward is the New Back * Friendly Fire * The Floor is Made of Lava * Gotta Go Fast * Holy Onomatopoeia, Batman! * Imaginary Numbers * Is This Even Randomized? * Kleptomania * Men Are Pigs * Misspelled * A Much Bigger Magnet * Mystery Juice * Neat Freak * Night Mode * Payable Golbez * Omnidexterous * Save Us Big Chocobo! * Six Legged Race * The Sky Warriors * Something Worth Fighting For * The Tellah Maneuver * Three Point System * Time is Money * Unstackable * World Championship of Darts * ZOMBIES!!!