==== Flagset Generation ==== * [[http://www.ff4fedraft.com/|ff4fedraft.com]] - By yourself or with friends, pick and choose from randomly generated cards to make a Free Enterprise flagset - created and maintained by Galeswift * **Tricker** - a bot for generating Mystery Seeds, available through the #mystery-seeds channel on the [[Discord]] - created and maintained by ZoeVermilion ==== Reference Spreadsheets And Calculators ==== === Bosses === * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hJZsbzStQfMCQUFzjW9pbdLhJ99wLu1QY-5cmp7Peqg/edit#gid=721989275]|Boss Scaling]] - Lists stats for all bosses in all locations. Make a copy to allow the query page to work * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w938cMyuKb_-MBAUNQG8L1ynIRGBntskT4I4mkuTgF4/|PAIN MAN (Boss DKC Dark Wave Damage)]] - from Inven * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TQY6hGjqkC1NQGDv_M0pzPQa2xZZlAT7rzCzCNLyX1g/|Eddy Vs Evil Wall]] - How well Hide strats work at each location; from Antidale * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVQFvlQ_4oWCn0EE9d7QAGrYW3w2IbZzuO2MWuUC8ww|Valvalis Quick Reference Chart]] - Val's tornado form magic def/evade and physical def/evade at each location; from Inven * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bb_MloF_dxehIQxzC0j28UwmW59zWJ3bk2iovUAFHLM|Wyvern Reference Chart]] - from Inven * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vT5jJ59A-GUpIm5Cy2yGr3AwLqOD0z-wPsjTxvcelUC_9TGH_ezp6OhwnwC8mxkwss5ZQaVF8jHKUpB/pubhtml | Alt Gauntlet Encounters]] - by mrbusdriver === Grinds === * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DChwazoDnE4XeLjF_s6vraNCV__om13wtVaq9zLghns|D Machine/Macgiant Exp Reference]] - from Inven * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lkHY--4KtJR6TJRy7oKxJOrLI0Z-CsF5dlEkEcd5ykQ|Zoe's Grind Calculator]] - from ZoeVermilion * [[https://simbu95.github.io/FF4EncounterFinder/|FF4 Encounter Finder]] - Find encounter manipulation information for any encounter; by simbu === Stats/Equipment === * [[https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxs62kk70KyBAxk2xhlLme2NM1MC_MyP4l8LhcF5_EQSyjLz5E/exec|Relative Agility Calculator]] - from fcoughlin. If using to calculate RA for a Chero seed, mark the hero character as Cecil. Does not handle the case where the anchor's agility is 0. * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kZPyZpuhF7P9C06O-HF1N_gvu_gK_AB3jnViaoxKpDI/edit#gid=0 | What's My AGI again?]] - An anchor level reference chart * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_4ZXg5ZvOiIHP7WAmHFnk6jQEeEXyxO8mY8cn3qbR2M/edit#gid=1545149366 | FE Lookup Data]] by Antidale. Make a copy for your own use. Good for learning/searching resistances/weaknesses/races * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11zJdTt2_BPgttrmWXZXESDenPW4HOxd0tqBiOvlceQg/edit#gid=1794802211 | FE Equipment Information ]] by Inven === Randomization/Flagsets === * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SQAk-VPj5tATwO6wOgm79-GDdVOqd8nAz8aeYA3-TJU/edit#gid=1246380305 | C:maybe probabilities ]] by ScytheMarshall. Make a copy of your own in order to change the parameters to emulate different Cdistinct or Crelaxed options. * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/144GPhXGeLrvpklOTdi5IvErLGpcfojMWpjjMXc6gPVk/edit#gid=504945382 | Analysis of 40,000 ZZ3 seeds]] by Mecha and leggystarscream * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L8MKeFXnbyV1w5MRsvgRseAH_nvsrI1GiQUPz3bf1cM/edit#gid=160243468 | Estimated number of key items at moon/summon spots]] by TwistedFlax. Make a copy to use. ====Trackers with Auto-Tracking Support==== The following auto-trackers are now race-legal in FE: * [[https://ff4fetracker.dunka.net/|Dunka's Tracker]], by BigDunka - KI, Location, Party, and Shop tracker by BigDunka. Flagset aware, Qusb2snes support. * [[https://www.galeswift.com/tracker|Galeswift's fork of Dunka's Tracker]] - KI, Location, Party, and Shop tracker by BigDunka. Flagset aware, Qusb2snes support. Colors Key Items required by objectives and has a timer. * [[https://github.com/abigtoe22/FESight/releases|FESight]], by abigtoe - (for BizHawk) automatically tracks Key Items obtained, and used, available locations, populates a list of objectives, provides a stopwatch timer, and a bit more. * [[https://github.com/simbu95/fftracker|fftracker]], by simbu - autotracker for Snes9x, BizHawk, and hardware that supports Qusb2snes. Also creates summary logs (and optionally, more detailed logs that are not race-legal). * [[https://github.com/Kyuuden/Companion/releases|Free Enterprise Companion]], by Kyuuden - Autotracker for BizHawk. Tracks Key Items, Party Members, Objectives, and available Locations automatically (and bosses manually), displayed using in-game assets. * [[https://github.com/konkers/pollendina|Pollendina]], by Konkers - KI, and Map/Location tracking. Allows autotracking. Windows/MacOS application with built-in FE support. ==== Manual Trackers ==== * [[http://schala-kitty.net/ff4fe-tracker/]] - Boss, Character, and KI tracker by SchalaKitty * [[https://statuesque-eggs.surge.sh/]] - Objective and Shop tracking, with timer, flag reminders, and note-taking abilities by Fleury14. Flagset aware * [[http://schala-kitty.net/ff4fe-tracker/combo.html]] - A combination of SchalaKitty's and Fleury's trackers * [[https://eiriasvalar.github.io/FF4FE-Tracker/public/]] - KI, Objective, Location and Shop tracking, with boss info tooltips, by Eirinas Valar. Flagset Aware * [[https://github.com/TheRevSchultz/FF4FE-Tracker/releases/]] - Boss, Character, and KI tracker, with timer and flag reminders by TheRevSchultz (Windows application) * [[https://emotracker.net/download/]] - Windows application with multiple Free Enterprise plugins. Base application by EmoSaru * [[https://mechalink.sandwich.net/ff4tracker/beta/]] - Tracker with voice command ability, requires Chrome, by Mecha * [[https://fe-tracker.vercel.app]] - KI, Boss, Objective Tracking. Has a timer and is flagset aware. by Fleury 14 * [[https://pidgezero.one/tracker/shoptracker.html]] - Shop tracker from Pidgezero_one * [[http://ff4fe-tracker.enewey.com/]] - KI, Character, Boss, Location tracking, by Narcodis * [[http://noteclicker-nakuri.com/]] - Shop Tracker by Nakuri ==== Entrance/Door Trackers ==== These trackers are made for use with either Doors or Entrance radomizers, currently available on [[https://jayp12323.xyz/make|jayp12323's]] or [[https://ff4fe.galeswift.com/make|Galeswift's]] forks. Some [[forks#doors_entrance_randomization | more info]] on these modes. * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WOR59UxutmD5ib6VdycjzofUh07Wpn1lGrtIOcUsN_c/edit?gid=0#gid=0|Door Rando Tracker]] by BeautyInDiscovery. Make your own copy to use when playing seeds where Door Randomization is enabled. * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rQawXC57rFl7OKCj82SsdYR2dwNyT4kKGpC8J07fPAI/edit?gid=0#gid=0]| Entrance Rando Tracker]] by Stoney. Make your own copy to use when playing seeds where Door Randomization is enabled. * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xpw7_L-dn1N7uzFSOIEC1F40j1ABI6bNYofQ6SBgyg4/edit?gid=0#gid=0| Door Rando Tracker]] by Stoney. Make your own copy to use when playing seeds where Door Randomization is enabled. ====Other Tools==== * [[https://chrono.abigtoe.org/|Chrono]] - A Time Analysis Tool for FF4FE. See how much time you spent in each area, boss fight, etc. For use with simbu's [[https://github.com/simbu95/fftracker|fftracker]] logger, which includes a race-legal version and a more detailed version that is not currently race-legal. Created and maintained by abigtoe, in collaboration with simbu. \\ \\ See the [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dpdq74HZ-KipaSnSqRuMMXjJdn-uSP2C-UvKYyS3-wY|Free Enterprise Resources]] spreadsheet for a few more