====== Flag Strings (Version 0.3.x) ======= These flags are taken from [[changelog#v038_june_3_2019|version 0.3.8]]. This formatting for flags was used from the release of v0.3.0 until the major changes in v4.0.0. Refer to the [[changelog]] to see when particular flags were added, modified, or removed (as in the case of ''-mute'') during this period. Modern (v4.5.0) equivalents of the flags are provided in parentheses. Some of the original flag descriptions are provided in italics. The generator page is archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/20191216045439/http://ff4fe.com/make ===== Variants ===== * //Default//: (Onone) * V1: (Omode:classicforge) * V2: (Omode:giant) ===== Japanese Content ===== * Ji: (Disables Tno:j and Sno:j) * Js: (Cj:spells) * Ja: (Cj:abilities) ===== Key Items / Pass ===== * **Randomize key items**: * Ks: (Ksummon) * Km: (Kmoon) * Kt: (Ktrap) * K!: (Kunsafe) * Ps: (Pshop) * Pk: (Pkey) * Pt: (Pchests) ===== Characters ===== * **Randomize characters**: * //Default//: (Crelaxed) * Cn: (Cmaybe) * //Characters not guaranteed. Normally, the randomizer will try to include every eligible character in the game at least once. This flag removes that logic, meaning some eligible characters may not appear.// * Cx: (Cstandard) * //Restrict access to Edge and Fusoya// * C5: (Cdistinct:5) * //Limit pool to 5 unique characters. Note that if Cn is enabled, you may end up with less than five.// * -nocecil, etc.: (Cno:cecil, ...) * -startcecil, etc.: (Cstart:cecil, ...) * -nodupes: (Cnodupes) * -rescue: (Disables Cbye) * -hobs: (Disables -vanilla:hobs) ===== Treasures ===== * **Randomize untrapped chest contents**: * //Default//: (Tvanilla) * T1: (Tshuffle) * T2: (Roughly Tpro) * //Randomize (balanced)// * T3: (Roughly Tstandard) * //Randomize (unbalanced)// * T4: (Twild) * Tx: (Tempty) * Tg: (Disables Tjunk) * //Replace "bad" chests with GP// * Tr: (Disables vanilla:traps) * //Relocate trapped chests// ===== Shops ===== * **Randomize shop contents**: * //Default//: (Svanilla) * S1: (Sshuffle) * S2: (Roughly Spro) * //Randomize (balanced)// * S3: (Sstandard) * //Randomize (unbalanced)// * S4: (Swild) * Sc: (Scabins) * Sx: (Sempty) * S!: (Sunsafe) * Sf: (Sfree) * Sq: (Ssell:quarter) * -noapples: (Sno:apples) * -nosirens: (Sno:sirens) ===== Bosses ===== * //Default//: (Bvanilla) * B: (Bstandard) * B!: (Bstandard/unsafe) * **Change Wyvern's opening MegaNuke**: * -whyburn: (Bwhyburn) * -whichburn: (Bwhichburn) ===== Challenges ===== * //Default//: (-vanilla:fu) * F: (Disables -vanilla:fu) * Nc: (Cnofree) * Nk: (Knofree) * Nb: (Bnofree) ===== Battles ===== * **Random encounter rate**: * //Default//: (Evanilla) * Et: (Etoggle) * Er: (Ereduce) * Ex: (Enoencounters) * Ef: (Disables Ekeep:doors and Ekeep:behemoths) * //Apply to forced encounters// * Ed: (Edanger) * //Keep dangerous encounters// * Ec: (Ecantrun) * **Experience**: * //Default//: (-exp:nosplit, -exp:noboost, -exp:nokeybonus) * Xs: (Disables -exp:nosplit) * Xk: (Disables -exp:nokeybonus) * Xb: (Disables -exp:noboost) * Xx: (Enoexp) ===== Tweaks ===== * **Glitches**: * Gd: (Gdupe) * Gm: (Gmp) * Gw: (Gwarp) * Gl: (Glife) * G64: (G64) * -aa (Disables -vanilla:agility) * //Agility agnostic. Agility always scales based on party order, regardless if Cecil is present.// * -noadamants: (-noadamants) ===== Wacky ===== * -spoon: (-spoon) * //Edward can equip Spoon// * -fab: (Disables -vanilla:fashion) * //Use alternate palettes for the party's battle sprites.// * -huh: (Flag removed in v4.0.0; behavior is now default) * //Randomize Package sprite// * -vintage: (-vintage) * //Vintage Battlefield. Enables the April Fools Day 2019 mode.// * -z: (Disables -vanilla:z) * //Randomizes Zeromus's battle sprite. (His behavior and stats are unchanged.)//